By: Dr. Ashley Bertorelli, PT, DPT, Founder/Owner of The Green Room PT
I wanted to give everyone some information on our Telehealth PT sessions option as it's becoming more popular, though I haven't yet educated our community on this option too vocally yet. We've been having more past and new patients utilize our Telehealth option for those days and times that they can't get into PT. Whether it's a sick kid, broken down car, or bad weather, Telehealth is a great option! Learn more about it here:

Some answers to our Telehealth FAQ's:
Q. "How the heck do you do PT by Telehealth?"
A. First of all, a lot of what we do is patient education. Whether it's training our Pelvic health patients how to retrain their bladder, patients with chronic pain how to manage their condition, or teaching someone post-surgery how to navigate their daily activities, a lot of what we do is EDUCATE! We can do this very effectively via Telehealth. Plus with the video option, we can demonstrate exercises, watch you do your exercises, and provide feedback.
Q. "Does my insurance support Telehealth PT?"
A. Most of the time- Yes! If you want to know about your particular insurance plan, just email me at and I can confirm that your health insurance plan allows Telehealth PT.
Q. "When is it best to do Telehealth PT?"
A. When you're sick but don't want to miss PT. When your childcare falls through. When your tire is flat. When the weather stinks. When you're stuck at work, but can hop on a video call for 30 minutes. The reasons are endless.
Q. "How effective are Telehealth visits, exactly?"
A. Very! Heavy on education and progression of exercise, you can make great gains through troubleshooting with your therapist via Telehealth. We will also help hold you accountable so your rehab progress doesn't stall or go backwards ;)
Q. "How do I schedule a Telehealth visit?"
A. Just ask our office to change your visit to a Telehealth visit. We will make a note to your therapist and invite you to an appointment with this link: Then, you can join the GRPT Virtual waiting room at or just before your visit time.
Send us your questions if you're curious about Telehealth sessions with us but want to learn more!