Written by: Dr. Elizabeth Braley, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS of The Green Room Physical Therapy
Unfortunately, so many people think that leaking urine after having a baby or as they age is normal. According to a study, 25 percent of young women suffer from urinary incontinence. As women age that percentage increases to 44-57% of middle-aged women and postmenopausal women. I was surprised to learn 28% of college athletes (average age 20 years old) reported urine loss during sports. It isn’t just women as they age, it is athletes suffering as well. Many of these women suffer in silence not realizing there is help! This breaks my heart, because WE CAN HELP!
The National Association for Continence (NAFC) estimates 25 million adult Americans are dealing with incontinence. If you are going to the bathroom more than 5-8 times per day or more than 1 time overnight you may benefit from therapy. If this is you, schedule an appointment today! There are dietary, lifestyle, manual treatments and exercises you can do to decrease or eliminate urinary incontinence.
In good health,
Elizabeth Braley, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS of The Green Room Physical Therapy www.thegrpt.com 518-326-3771